Monday 28 March 2016

Nik Collection by Google

Shared publicly  -  25 Mar 2016
Today we’re making the Nik Collection available to everyone, for free.

Photo enthusiasts all over the world use the Nik Collection to get the best out of their images every day. As we continue to focus our long-term investments in building incredible photo editing tools for mobile, including Google Photos and Snapseed, we’ve decided to make the Nik Collection desktop suite available for free, so that now anyone can use it.

The Nik Collection is comprised of seven desktop plug-ins that provide a powerful range of photo editing capabilities -- from filter applications that improve color correction, to retouching and creative effects, to image sharpening that brings out all the hidden details, to the ability to make adjustments to the color and tonality of images.

Starting March 24, 2016, the latest Nik Collection will be freely available to download: Analog Efex Pro, Color Efex Pro, Silver Efex Pro, Viveza, HDR Efex Pro, Sharpener Pro and Dfine. If you purchased the Nik Collection in 2016, you will receive a full refund, which we’ll automatically issue back to you in the coming days.

We’re excited to bring the powerful photo editing tools once only used by professionals to even more people now. 

Lightroom CC __ Develop

Lightroom CC __ Develop

Crop (R key) Set aspect ratio

Lens correction (Basic , Profile ,Color ,Manual)
For me I use manual

White balance W key
Adjust Exposure ,Contrast ,Highlights ,Shadows ,White , Black (hold Alt key)
Adjust Clarity ,Vibrance , and Saturation
Y key Before/After
J Key On/Off Clipping

The basic panel sliders are much better at protecting detail in one part of the histogram while adjusting it somewhere else. 

If you can do what you want with the basic panel, the result may be quicker and better than tone curves.

Adjustment brush (K )
Add new pin (H key Pin On/Off)
Drag to select (Alt key deselect) (O key On/Off mask)
Adjust the setting

Lightroom CC __ Library

Lightroom CC __ Library

Library Module

Import__Select source__ (copy as DNG,Copy,Move,Add) select Add__Select photo__Click import
F key full screen__Use left and right arrow key forward/backward
Use 1 to 5 stars to rating
Use 6 to 9 color label to rating
Use the grid view(G key grid view, E key loupe view)
T key on the tool bar(right side triangle set  select toolbar content)
Rating under the grid view.
Use filmstrip filter to sorting(right corner turn on/off filter)


Lightroom CC Workflow and preference

Lightroom CC Workflow and preference

·         File storage and backup
·         Create folder to storage catalog
·         Create catalog
·         Import files
·         Review and rating
·         Sorting
·         Crop
·         Lens correction
·         Global adjustment
·         Local adjustment (Dodge and Burn)
·         File save


Edit__Identity plate__setup..__Indentity plate set personalized
Edit__preferences__general__Default Catalog__set
When starting up use this Catalog__set Prompt me when starting Lightroom.
Right click all the panel set to solo mode

Photoshop CC __Smart Object

Photoshop CC __Smart Object

Perform nondestructive transforms.

You can edit filters applied to Smart Objects at any time.

Apply a layer mask that’s either linked or unlinked to the Smart Object layer.

Layer panel __ right click __ convert to smart object

Click lower right icon editing at new window

Right click smart object__ Replace contents

Photoshop CC __ Content- Aware Scale

Photoshop CC __ Content- Aware Scale


Image __ Canvas size (Change canvas size)
Edit __ Content- Aware Scale
Drag the control point

Photoshop CC double exposure (Blending 2 images)

Photoshop CC double exposure (Blending 2 images)

Open 2 images
First image
Ctrl + A key select all
Ctrl + C key copy
Second image
Ctrl + V key paste
From the layer panel add mask
B Key Brush (set the size and hardness)
Drag the image
Use Shift + + Key change blending mode
Adjust the opacity