Monday 28 March 2016

Nik Collection by Google

Shared publicly  -  25 Mar 2016
Today we’re making the Nik Collection available to everyone, for free.

Photo enthusiasts all over the world use the Nik Collection to get the best out of their images every day. As we continue to focus our long-term investments in building incredible photo editing tools for mobile, including Google Photos and Snapseed, we’ve decided to make the Nik Collection desktop suite available for free, so that now anyone can use it.

The Nik Collection is comprised of seven desktop plug-ins that provide a powerful range of photo editing capabilities -- from filter applications that improve color correction, to retouching and creative effects, to image sharpening that brings out all the hidden details, to the ability to make adjustments to the color and tonality of images.

Starting March 24, 2016, the latest Nik Collection will be freely available to download: Analog Efex Pro, Color Efex Pro, Silver Efex Pro, Viveza, HDR Efex Pro, Sharpener Pro and Dfine. If you purchased the Nik Collection in 2016, you will receive a full refund, which we’ll automatically issue back to you in the coming days.

We’re excited to bring the powerful photo editing tools once only used by professionals to even more people now. 

Lightroom CC __ Develop

Lightroom CC __ Develop

Crop (R key) Set aspect ratio

Lens correction (Basic , Profile ,Color ,Manual)
For me I use manual

White balance W key
Adjust Exposure ,Contrast ,Highlights ,Shadows ,White , Black (hold Alt key)
Adjust Clarity ,Vibrance , and Saturation
Y key Before/After
J Key On/Off Clipping

The basic panel sliders are much better at protecting detail in one part of the histogram while adjusting it somewhere else. 

If you can do what you want with the basic panel, the result may be quicker and better than tone curves.

Adjustment brush (K )
Add new pin (H key Pin On/Off)
Drag to select (Alt key deselect) (O key On/Off mask)
Adjust the setting

Lightroom CC __ Library

Lightroom CC __ Library

Library Module

Import__Select source__ (copy as DNG,Copy,Move,Add) select Add__Select photo__Click import
F key full screen__Use left and right arrow key forward/backward
Use 1 to 5 stars to rating
Use 6 to 9 color label to rating
Use the grid view(G key grid view, E key loupe view)
T key on the tool bar(right side triangle set  select toolbar content)
Rating under the grid view.
Use filmstrip filter to sorting(right corner turn on/off filter)


Lightroom CC Workflow and preference

Lightroom CC Workflow and preference

·         File storage and backup
·         Create folder to storage catalog
·         Create catalog
·         Import files
·         Review and rating
·         Sorting
·         Crop
·         Lens correction
·         Global adjustment
·         Local adjustment (Dodge and Burn)
·         File save


Edit__Identity plate__setup..__Indentity plate set personalized
Edit__preferences__general__Default Catalog__set
When starting up use this Catalog__set Prompt me when starting Lightroom.
Right click all the panel set to solo mode

Photoshop CC __Smart Object

Photoshop CC __Smart Object

Perform nondestructive transforms.

You can edit filters applied to Smart Objects at any time.

Apply a layer mask that’s either linked or unlinked to the Smart Object layer.

Layer panel __ right click __ convert to smart object

Click lower right icon editing at new window

Right click smart object__ Replace contents

Photoshop CC __ Content- Aware Scale

Photoshop CC __ Content- Aware Scale


Image __ Canvas size (Change canvas size)
Edit __ Content- Aware Scale
Drag the control point

Photoshop CC double exposure (Blending 2 images)

Photoshop CC double exposure (Blending 2 images)

Open 2 images
First image
Ctrl + A key select all
Ctrl + C key copy
Second image
Ctrl + V key paste
From the layer panel add mask
B Key Brush (set the size and hardness)
Drag the image
Use Shift + + Key change blending mode
Adjust the opacity

Photoshop CC Color splash

Photoshop CC Color splash

Duplicities the layer

Image__Adjustment__Black and White

Select the area and from the layer panel add mask.

Ctrl + I to inverse mask if you need


Photoshop CC Create 3D image

Photoshop CC Create 3D image
Image__Adjustment__Dseaturate (Convert to black and white)

Ctrl+J __Double click__Layer style__Channel__tick__R channel

Ctrl+J __Double click__Layer style__Channel__tick__G and B channel

R channel__Select all__Move__use arrow key__move to right side 10 times.

G and B channel__Select all__Move__use arrow key__move to left  side 10 times.

Save file.



Photoshop CC__Image focus stacking

Focus stacking (also known as focal plane merging and z-stacking or focus blending) is a digital image processing technique which combines multiple images taken at different focus distances to give a resulting image with a greater depth of field (DOF) than any of the individual source images.

Image Stacking use Photoshop CC

File__ automate __photomerge

Browse. (select image)

Off blend mode together.

Off Vignette Removal.

Off Geometric Distortion Correction.

Click OK.

Select all Layers.

Edit__Auto Blend Layers.

Click seamless Tones and Color.

Click Ok.

Flattern image

File save as….

Photoshop CC---select ,channel, Layer, and masking

Photoshop CC---select ,channel, Layer, and masking


After select right click __ save selection__ (New or Channel)(Save to channel)

Shift Key = Add selection

Alt Key = Subtract selection

Hold down Alt Key and drag = Copy selection

After selection __ Delete key = Fill

If select channel have 4 options (New channel, Add to channel, Subtract from channel or intersect with channel.)


Channels are grayscale images that store different types of information.

Different image mode have different channel(RGB ,CMYL,LAB etc.)

Channel panel

Load channel as selection

Save selection as channel

Create new channel

Delete current channel

Right click channel __ Duplicate channel.

Edit __ Preference __ Interface __ Options __ Show channels in color (Don’t use)

Alpha channel

You can create a new alpha channel and then use painting tools, editing tools, and filters to create a mask from the alpha channel.

You can also save an existing selection in a Photoshop image as an alpha channel that appears in the Channels panel.

After selection __ Layer panel __ Add a mask

B Key =Brush [ key and ] key change brush size

D Key default foreground or background color (Black/White)

X Key switch foreground or background color.

Shift Key + Click mask ( disable or enable mask )

Ctrl + I Key Inverse mask

Alt + Drag = Copy mask

Right mask __ Refine mask

Ctrl + J Key  = Copy layer

Create a layer from selection = Ctrl + J Key.

Create a new group __ Rename __ Drag the layer to layer group. ( Right click ungroup )

Layer can set blending mode and opacity.




Photoshop Shortcut key

Photoshop Shortcut key

Fill a layer____________ Alt+Del or Ctrl+Del (foreground/background)color.

Copy a layer________ Ctrl+J key

Invert selection_____________ Ctrl+Shift+I key

Increase/decrease brush size__________  ]/[ key

Increase/decrease brush hardness____________}/{ key

Lens correction_____________Shift+Ctrl+R key

Camera Raw____________Shift+Ctrl+A

Content aware scale________Ctrl+Shift+Alt+C

Blending modes___________Shift+(+) or (-)key

Cycle through open documents_______Ctrl+Tab

X key (Switch Colors) foreground and background colors

D key (Default Colors) — Reset your foreground and background colors to B/W.

Enable/Disable Layer Mask____ Shift + Click Mask

Change canvas size___________Ctrl+Alt+C key.

Save as______Ctrl+Shift+S key.

Group layer_____Select multi layers____Ctrl+G

Reverse mask_________Ctrl+I key.

Feather Selection______ Shift-F6


How to use perspective warp in photoshop cc

How to use perspective warp in photoshop cc

Ctrl + J key duplicate layer
Right click the duplicate layer__ Convert to smart object
Edit __  Perspective Warp

Left click anywhere the photo
Drag the four pin align the subject
Left click the photo again
Drag the pin until the blue line appear and then release the mouse

Drag the four pin align the subject
Set the option panel to Wrap
Adjust the control point

 Crop and adjust

Wednesday 16 March 2016

HDR Vs Photomatix pro 5

HDR Vs Photomatix pro 5

Setup the camera for HDR shooting
Set the camera auto bracketing
Set the number of shots and Ev. compensation
Use the tripod and remote shutter release cable or link to computer
Start to shot.

Loading Bracketed Images
Select Load Bracketed Photos from the File menu. The Loading bracketed photos dialog displays.
Click Browse. A dialog displays prompting for location of the files.
Click OK.

General Merge to HDR Options
Align source images
Perspective correction
Crop aligned images
Maximum shift
Show options to remove ghosts(Don’t click)
Reduce noise on
Reduce Chromatic Aberrations

Options for RAW Files

Photomatix Pro offers additional options for RAW files.
These options are automatically available when RAW files are loaded.

Working with Single Image Files
Click Load Single Photo in the Workflow Shortcuts window
click Tone Mapping from the Workflow Shortcuts panel.

Options for Single RAW Image Files
When your single image is a RAW file, Photomatix must first convert the RAW data. The following options are available for pre-processing the RAW data.

Adjusting Images Using Tone Mapping or Exposure Fusion
Photomatix Pro provides access to HDR Tone Mapping and Exposure Fusion methods in one interface, with three main sections: Adjustments panel, Preview and thumbnail Presets.

Image Adjustment Workflow
1 Adjust the image to your liking
2 Process the image: When you are satisfied with the adjustments, click on the Apply button
3 Before saving it, you may use the options on the Finishing Touch palette in order to increase the  contrast of your image, sharpen it, or adjust the saturation of individual color
4 Save the image    Select File - > Save As.


Preset Thumbnails Panel
The Presets panel lists the available presets, showing a thumbnail preview of the effect of the preset on your image. When you click on a preset thumbnail, the Preview image is refreshed to show the result of
applying the settings of the selected preset.

Replace Selection with Source
Selecting the Area to be Replaced
To enable this feature, click the Selection Mode checkbox. The Polygonal Lasso is the default tool.

Finding the edges
Replacing the Selected Area---Right-click---A contextual menu appears.
When finished unclick selection mode

Automating with Batch Processing (For HDR Panoramic and HDR timelapse)
Photomatix Pro offers two different batch modes:
• Batch Bracketed Photos: Processes bracketed sets using HDR Tone Mapping and/or Exposure Fusion all
in one step, which can save you a lot of time when you have many bracketed sets to process.
• Batch Single Photos: Processes multiple single image files using Tone Mapping.

1 Clicking the Batch Bracketed Photos
2 Select a preset
3 Select the number of exposures to combine using the pulldown menu below the checkboxes.
4 Select source folder
5 Set Destination
6 Click run








Sunday 6 March 2016




现在 Zorki已经不再生产,但可在网上以大概30美元的价格购买。





Thursday 3 March 2016

Print size PPI and DPI

Print size PPI and DPI

Resolution refers to the number of pixels in an image.
Resolution is identified by the width and height of the image as well as the total number of pixels in the image.
PPI: Pixels per inch.
Most commonly used to describe the pixel density of a screen (computer monitor, smart phone, etc…) but can also refer to the pixel density of a digital image.
DPI: Dot’s per inch.
The number of dots in a printed inch.
The more dot’s the higher the quality of the print (more sharpness and detail).
The basic equation for calculating PPI is:
PPI = height(pixels)/ height of image (inches).
So, for example, if you want to print a 4-inch-by-6-inch image, and your pixel count is 800 x 1200, you need to divide 800 (the pixel height) by 4 (the photo height) and then divide 1200 (the pixel width) by 6 (the photo width).
The PPI will be 200, providing you with good quality photos.
However, if you want to print a larger photo, for example 8-inch-by-10-inch photo, the PPI reduces to 100 for width and 120 for height, giving you lower quality prints

Photography spots in Singapore

Photography spots in Singapore

Alkaff Mansion
Bukit Timah Saddle Club
Changi Boardwalk
Chinese & Japanese Gardens
Dempsey Hill
Emerald Hill
Fort Canning
Gardens by the Bay
Helix Bridge
Henderson Waves Bridge
Lim Chu Kang Jetty
Lorong Halus Wetland
Lower Peirce Reservoir
Macritchie Reservoir
Marina Barrage
Malan Road
Marina Bay Sands Infinity Pool
Marina South Pier
Merlion/ Fullerton/ Raffles Place.
Mount Faber
National Gallery Singapore
Portsdown Road
Punggol Beach
Raffles Marina Lighthouse
Singapore Art Museum
Sungei Buloh Nature Reserve
Singapore polo club
Tanglin Hill Brunei Hostel
The Pinnacle@Duxton
Upper Seletar Reservoir
Victoria Concert Hall

Understanding Light

Understanding Light

2 types of light sources natural light and artificial light.

How to use natural light?
How to use artificial light?
How to mixed together to use?

Light properties: Absorption, reflection and transmission.

4 Basic Characteristics of Light
Color temperature

The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.


Two main factors determine the quality of light is the size and its distance from the subject.

In photography, the golden hour (sometimes known as magic hour) is a period shortly after sunrise or before sunset during which daylight is redder and softer than when the Sun is higher in the sky.


Sunday 28 February 2016

How to use the flash

Every time you take a flash photo, you are making two exposures simultaneously.
You are making an exposure of the ambient light, and an exposure of the flash's light.

The ambient exposure is controlled by the f/stop and the shutter speed.
The flash is controlled by the aperture.

You need to decide which one is key light and another is fill light.

Case 1 (Flash is key light)
1. Get a full ambient exposure.
2. Drop the exposure down to create a little "drama." How much, is up to you.
3. Bring your subject back up to full exposure by adding flash.

Case 2 (Flash is fill light)
Think of the sun as your main light source, and strobe as a secondary light.

Sync speed is the fastest shutter speed you can use with flash.
You cannot use a faster shutter speed than the sync speed with flash.

Sync speed is important for two big reasons:

The first and obvious reason is that fast sync helps stop motion.

The second reason, is that faster sync speeds help get enough flash power to balance with direct sunlight.

Slow sync speed
You'll want to use slow sync flash in any low-light situation when you feel that the normal flash will give you a bland, staid photo.

Another application is when photographing an action/sports subject and you want to capture the action with a panning technique (use rear curtain sync for this.)

Due to the lower shutter speeds associated with slow sync flash, you need to stabilize the camera to avoid camera shake. You’ll likely need a tripod or monopod with slow sync flash and may want to consider using a cable release to avoid as much camera shake as possible.

High speed sync HSS Vs. normal sync speed

The faster sync lets us shoot at larger apertures, which requires less flash power, which lets our flash recycle faster, which lets us shoot more frames per second.

High-speed sync flash is used when you want to use a shutter speed that is faster than your camera’s native flash sync speed, or when you want to use a wider aperture setting that requires a higher shutter speed as is often the case with outdoor daylight shooting.

High speed sync is continuous light.

Changing ISO does nothing to help since it's the ratio of ambient to flash light that's important.

Front curtain sync Vs. Rear curtain sync
In normal or front curtain sync, the speedlight fires at the beginning of the exposure.
In rear curtain sync the speedlight fires at the end of the exposure.

Flash power is flash duration time.
The Nikon SB-800 flash duration specifications are shown below :
1/1050 sec.   at M1/1 (full) output
1/1100 sec.   at M1/2 output
1/2700 sec.   at M1/4 output
1/5900 sec.   at M1/8 output
1/10900 sec. at M1/16 output
1/17800 sec. at M1/32 output
1/32300 sec. at M1/64 output
1/41600 sec. at M1/128 output