Sunday 28 February 2016

How to use the flash

Every time you take a flash photo, you are making two exposures simultaneously.
You are making an exposure of the ambient light, and an exposure of the flash's light.

The ambient exposure is controlled by the f/stop and the shutter speed.
The flash is controlled by the aperture.

You need to decide which one is key light and another is fill light.

Case 1 (Flash is key light)
1. Get a full ambient exposure.
2. Drop the exposure down to create a little "drama." How much, is up to you.
3. Bring your subject back up to full exposure by adding flash.

Case 2 (Flash is fill light)
Think of the sun as your main light source, and strobe as a secondary light.

Sync speed is the fastest shutter speed you can use with flash.
You cannot use a faster shutter speed than the sync speed with flash.

Sync speed is important for two big reasons:

The first and obvious reason is that fast sync helps stop motion.

The second reason, is that faster sync speeds help get enough flash power to balance with direct sunlight.

Slow sync speed
You'll want to use slow sync flash in any low-light situation when you feel that the normal flash will give you a bland, staid photo.

Another application is when photographing an action/sports subject and you want to capture the action with a panning technique (use rear curtain sync for this.)

Due to the lower shutter speeds associated with slow sync flash, you need to stabilize the camera to avoid camera shake. You’ll likely need a tripod or monopod with slow sync flash and may want to consider using a cable release to avoid as much camera shake as possible.

High speed sync HSS Vs. normal sync speed

The faster sync lets us shoot at larger apertures, which requires less flash power, which lets our flash recycle faster, which lets us shoot more frames per second.

High-speed sync flash is used when you want to use a shutter speed that is faster than your camera’s native flash sync speed, or when you want to use a wider aperture setting that requires a higher shutter speed as is often the case with outdoor daylight shooting.

High speed sync is continuous light.

Changing ISO does nothing to help since it's the ratio of ambient to flash light that's important.

Front curtain sync Vs. Rear curtain sync
In normal or front curtain sync, the speedlight fires at the beginning of the exposure.
In rear curtain sync the speedlight fires at the end of the exposure.

Flash power is flash duration time.
The Nikon SB-800 flash duration specifications are shown below :
1/1050 sec.   at M1/1 (full) output
1/1100 sec.   at M1/2 output
1/2700 sec.   at M1/4 output
1/5900 sec.   at M1/8 output
1/10900 sec. at M1/16 output
1/17800 sec. at M1/32 output
1/32300 sec. at M1/64 output
1/41600 sec. at M1/128 output

Depth of field

Depth of field

Depth of field is the amount of distance between the nearest and farthest objects that appear in acceptably sharp focus in a photograph.

What affects depth of field

The f/stop
The smaller the f/stop (the larger the number, the smaller the diameter of the aperture), the more depth of field there is.
At f/2 (small number, big aperture), you will have comparatively narrow depth of field, with little in focus on either side of your focus point...

The focal length of the lens
The shorter your focal length, the more depth of field you will have.
A 20mm lens will have more depth of field than a 50mm will have more than a 100mm.
With really short lenses, like 4 mm, you will have immense depth of field. With long lenses, like 400mm, you will have miniscule depth of field.

The distance to the subject
The closer you are to your subject, the less depth of field there will be.
The further away you are, the more depth of field you will have.

The subject distance to the background.

Lens quality:resoluation and contrast

Lens quality:resoluation ,contrast,MTF

Everyone is likely to be familiar with the concept of image resolution, but unfortunately, too much emphasis is often placed on this single metric. Resolution only describes how much detail a lens is capable of capturing — and not necessarily the quality of the detail that is captured. Other factors therefore often contribute much more to our perception of the quality and sharpness of a digital image.

To understand this, let's take a look at what happens to an image when it passes through a camera lens and is recorded at the camera's sensor. To make things simple, we'll use images composed of alternating black and white lines ("line pairs"). Beyond the resolution of your lens, these lines are of course no longer distinguishable:

ISO 12233 chart

Modulation Transfer Function(MTF)
Modulation Transfer Function or "MTF" is a measurement of the optical performance potential of a lens. MTF charts can give you a better understanding of the optical quality of lenses, and can be useful references when researching, comparing and purchasing a lens.

The y-axis (vertical axis) of a MTF chart plots the transmission of light through the lens with a maximum value of "1.0" which would indicate 100% transmittance of the light, although 100% transmittance of light is not possible because glass is not 100% transparent.

The x-axis (horizontal axis) shows the distance from the center of the image towards its edges. So, the "0" in the lower left corner represents the center of the lens and the numbers along the lower axis represent the distance out towards the edge of the lens in millimeters.

How to read a MTF chart

There are two groups of data plotted on a Nikon MTF chart: Sagital and Meridonial lines.

"Sagital lines" (the solid lines) represent the contrast measurements of pairs of lines that run parallel to a central diagonal line that passes through the middle of the lens from the bottom left hand corner to the top right hand corner.

"Meridonial lines" (the dotted lines) represent line pairs also positioned along an imaginary line from the center of a lens to the edge but these line pairs are perpendicular to the diagonal line.

There are two groups of test lines for each Sagital and Meridonial value: one group or line pairs at 10 lines per millimeter and a second group at 30 lines per millimeter. The lower line pairs (10 lines/mm) will generally be plotted higher on the graph than the more challenging fine resolution 30 lines/mm.

The red 10 line/mm (10 lines per millimeter) indicates the lens' ability to reproduce low spatial frequency or low resolution. This line indicates the lens' contrast values and the higher and straighter this line is the better; because the higher the line appears the greater the amount of contrast the lens can reproduce. The blue 30 line/mm (30 lines per millimeter) indicates the lens' ability to to reproduce higher spatial frequency or higher resolution; this line relates to the resolving power of the lens and again the higher the line the better.

The line starts on the left of the chart which represents the center of the lens. As the line moves to the right it indicates the edge of the lens, so you can see how the contrast and sharpness of the lens decreases from the center to the edge of the image.

How to convert a color photo to black and white?

How to convert a color photo to black and white?

Add an adjustment __ black and white (non-destructive)

Convert to Grayscale (Destructive) Image > Mode > Grayscale __ Click ‘Discard'

Add an adjustment __ Hue/Saturation__saturation slider all the way to the left (-100)

Add an adjustment __ Channel Mixer__ Tick the monochrome box.
Move the Red, Green and Blue sliders to the left or right to lighten and darken in the photo.
The total of the three sliders should be 100% at all times.

Use the black and white preset.
Use HSL/Color/B&W__select B&W__use the adjustment tool to edit.

Use Nik silver flex pro
Use Topaz B/W effect

Dxo Film pack 5

Before I press the shutter need to think.

Before I press the shutter need to think.

Why I want to take a photo of this scene?
What story do I want to tell?
How is the light direction and quality?
Need to modify the light?
How to compose?
Where to place the camera ?
What’s Going on in the Foreground and background?
Where is the focus point?
Ask depth of field or motion?
Shoot now or waiting?

Panoramic photography

Panoramic photography is a technique of photography, using specialized equipment or software, that captures images with horizontally elongated fields of view.

It is sometimes known as wide format photography.
The term has also been applied to a photograph that is cropped to a relatively wide aspect ratio.


Saturday 27 February 2016

Time-lapse photography

Time-lapse photography

For my Nikon D800 and D600

2 methods to create time lapse

1 Menu__Shotting menu__Timelapse photography__Setting (Create 1920x1080 mov.file)
2 Menu__Shotting menu__Interval timer shooting__Setting  (Use the software develop movie file)

Nikon the Time lapse feature is not available in the following modes:
Live View
With a shutter speed set of bulb
Multi exposure
Interval timer

Loop Lighting

Loop Lighting

Loop lighting is a minor variation of Paramount lighting. This is one of the more commonly used lighting setups and is ideal for people with average, oval-shaped faces.

Key Light. To create this setup, the key light is lowered and moved more to the side of the subject so that the shadow under the nose becomes a small loop on the shadow side of the face.

Fill Light. The fill light is also moved, being placed on the opposite side of the camera from the key light and close to the camera–subject axis. It is important that the fill light not cast a shadow of its own in order to maintain the one-light character of the portrait. The only position from which you can really observe whether the fill light is doing its job is at the camera. Check carefully to see if the fill light is casting a shadow of its own by looking through the viewfinder.

Hair and Background Lights. The hair and background lights are used in the same way as they are in Paramount lighting.

Lighting Ratios

Lighting Ratios

Once you have your basic lighting equipment and your basic lighting techniques down, your next step is to learn lighting ratios.

If you understand these ratios, it is much easier to control your lighting to create mood, add a sense of depth or shape, and control the way textured surfaces look. People are intimidated by the term "lighting ratios". After all "ratio" implies math, and people hate math. But by the end of this short article you'll see how easy lighting ratios really are.

Most people realize that a studio lighting set-up can use 3 or 4 lights.
They get intimidated thinking about how they're going to figure out how all those lights will work together and what the lighting ratios will be.
Well guess what, you only need to worry about two lights: the main light and the fill light! These are the two lights that "shape" your image.
Any other supplemental lights only "accent" your image, and don't need to be included in the ratio.

Now, what is the ratio? In a nutshell, the ratio is the difference between the main light and the fill.
If your main light were twice as bright as your fill, the ratio would be 2:1. Thinking about exposure factors, a factor of 2 is equal to one stop of exposure, and if you increase your exposure by one stop, you are allowing in twice the amount of light.

Therefore, a 2:1 ratio would mean that there is a one-stop difference between the lights. A 3:1 ratio would be a stop and a half difference, and 4:1 would be a two-stop difference.

The thing to remember when dealing with the ratios is that you multiply or divide by 2. This means that if you want to determine how much exposure difference there is in a ratio of 5:1, you would divide 5 by 2. The answer would be 2 1/2 stops. If you had a scene with a 2 1/2 stop difference between the lights and you wanted to determine the ratio, you would multiply 2 1/2 by 2 and would give you 5 for a 5:1 ratio. I told you the math wouldn't be hard!

I don't recommend using ratios beyond 8:1. If you do, you'll have shadow areas with little or no visible detail. I've included a chart that shows the most common lighting ratios with the exposure difference and how that lighting ratio is most commonly used.

See, lighting ratios are easy. All it takes is a little practice to master lighting ratios and to make it all stick. There's nothing like doing it a couple of times to make it all make sense. Once you master light, your photography will improve dramatically.

Paramount Lighting

Paramount Lighting

Paramount lighting, sometimes called butterfly lighting or glamour lighting, is a traditionally feminine lighting pattern that produces a symmetrical, butterfly-like shadow beneath the subject’s nose. It tends to emphasize high cheekbones and good skin. It is less commonly used on men because it tends to hollow out cheeks and eye sockets too much.

Key Light. For this lighting setup, the key light is placed high and directly in front of the subject’s face, parallel to the vertical line of the subject’s nose (see diagram above). Since the light must be high and close to the subject to produce the desired butterfly shadow, it should not be used on women with deep eye sockets, or no light will illuminate the eyes.

Fill Light. The fill light is placed at the subject’s head height directly under the key light. Since both the key and fill lights are on the same side of the camera, a reflector must be used opposite these lights and in close to the subject to fill in the deep shadows on the neck and shaded cheek.

Hair Light. The hair light, which is always used opposite the key light, should light the hair only and not skim onto the face of the subject.

Background Light. The background light, used low and behind the subject, should form a semicircle of illumination on the seamless background (if using one) so that the tone of the background grows gradually darker the farther out from the subject you look.

Profile Lighting

Profile Lighting

Profile lighting (also called rim lighting) is used when the subject’s head is turned 90 degrees from the camera lens. It is a dramatic style of lighting used to accent elegant features. It is used less frequently now than in the past, but it still produces a stylish portrait.

Key Light. In rim lighting, the key light is placed behind the subject so that it illuminates the profile of the subject and leaves a polished highlight along the edge of the face. The key light will also highlight the hair and neck of the subject. Care should be taken so that the accent of the light is centered on the face and not so much on the hair or neck.

Fill Light. The fill light is moved to the same side of the camera as the key light and a reflector is used to fill in the shadows (see the rim-lighting diagram above).

Hair and Background Lights. An optional hair light can be used on the opposite side of the key light for better tonal separation of the subject’s hair from the background. The background light is 
used normally.

Split Lighting

Split Lighting

Split lighting occurs when the key light illuminates only half the face. It is an ideal slimming light.
It can be used to narrow a wide face or nose.
It can also be used with a weak fill to hide facial irregularities.

For a highly dramatic effect, split lighting can be used with no fill.

Key Light.
In split lighting, the key light is moved farther to the side of the subject and lower than in other setups. In some cases, the key light is actually slightly behind the subject, depending on how far the subject is turned from the camera.
Other Lights. The fill light, hair light, and background light are used normally for split lighting.

Rembrandt Lighting

Rembrandt Lighting

Rembrandt lighting (also called 45-degree lighting) is characterized by a small, triangular highlight on the shadowed cheek of the subject. The lighting takes its name from the famous Dutch painter who used skylights to illuminate his subjects. This type of lighting is dramatic. It is most often used with male subjects, and is commonly paired with a weak fill light to accentuate the shadow-side highlight.

Key Light. The key light is moved lower and farther to the side than in loop and Paramount lighting. In fact, the key light almost comes from the subject’s side, depending on how far his head is turned from the camera.

Fill and Hair Lights. The fill light is used in the same manner as it is for loop lighting. The hair light, however, is often used a little closer to the subject for more brilliant highlights in the hair.

Background and Kicker Lights. The background light is in the standard position described above. With Rembrandt lighting, however, kickers are often used to delineate the sides of the face (particularly the shadow side) and to add brilliant highlights to the face and shoulders. When setting such lights, be careful not to allow them to shine directly into the camera lens. The best way to check this is to place your hand between the subject and the camera on the axis of the kicker. If your hand casts a shadow when it is placed in front of the lens, then the kicker is shining directly into the lens and should be adjusted.

Broad Lighting vs. Short Lighting

Broad Lighting vs. Short Lighting

These terms are often tossed around when talking about lighting patterns, but think of them more as a style rather than a pattern. Many of the patterns we’ll practice below can also either be broad or short, so it’s hard to define them as their own unique patterns. Nonetheless, you need to be able to recognize them.

Broad Light: With the subjects face angled so it is not facing the camera head on, broad lighting will occur when the light source is spread across the side of the face closest to the camera, making it illuminate the broadest part of the face visible to the camera.

Use this when you want to widen your subjects face or help tone down the appearance of wrinkles.

Short Light: Just the opposite. Again with the subject’s face angled, short light is what you get when the light source is illuminating the side of the face that is farthest from the camera, which will also happen to be the shortest half of the face visible to the camera. Short lighting is flattering for most faces because it produces a slimming effect.





















Optical aberrations 像差

Optical aberrations

An optical aberration is a departure of the performance of an optical system from the predictions of par axial optics.
In an imaging system, it occurs when light from one point of an object does not converge into (or does not diverge from) a single point after transmission through the system. Aberrations occur because the simple par axial theory is not a completely accurate model of the effect of an optical system on light, rather than due to flaws in the optical elements.

Aberration leads to blurring of the image produced by an image-forming optical system. Makers of optical instruments need to correct optical systems to compensate for aberration.

像差(英语:Optical aberration)是光學中,實際像與根據單透鏡理論確定的理想像的偏離。




初階像差分為五種:球面像差、 彗形像差、 像散、 場曲、 畸變。
Aberration may refer to: 色差, 像差

Optical aberration, an imperfection in image formation by an optical system.

Spherical aberration, which occurs when light rays strike a lens or mirror near its edge.

Chromatic aberration, caused by differences in refractive index for different wavelengths of light.

Defocus aberration, which occurs when a system is out of focus.

Coma aberration which means "comet" in Latin, is similar to spherical aberration; it applies to rays entering the lens at an angle.

Distortion is a deviation from rectilinear projection, a projection in which straight lines in a scene remain straight in an image. It is a form of optical aberration.

Focal length

Focal length

The focal length of a lens determines its angle of view, and thus also how much the subject will be magnified for a given photographic position.

Focus lens perspective

Perspective distortion takes two forms: extension distortion and compression distortion, also called wide-angle distortion and long-lens or telephoto distortion.

When talking about images with the same field size. Extension or wide-angle distortion can be seen in images shot from close using a wide-angle lens (with an angle of view wider than a normal lens).

Object close to the lens appears abnormally large relative to more distant objects, and distant objects appear abnormally small and hence more distant – distances are extended.

Compression, long-lens, or telephoto distortion can be seen in images shot from a distant using a long focus lens or the more common telephoto sub-type (with an angle of view narrower than a normal lens).

Distant objects look approximately the same size – closer objects are abnormally small, and more distant objects are abnormally large, and hence the viewer cannot discern relative distances between distant objects – distances are compressed.


人像摄影 Portrait Photography







What is Dynamic range tone ?

What is Dynamic range tone ?

Dynamic range in photography describes the ratio between the maximum and minimum measurable light intensities (white and black, respectively).








Friday 26 February 2016

High Dynamic Range HDR


High Dynamic Range photo is really just two (or three, or nine) photos taken at different exposure levels and then mashed together with software to create a better picture.

For my Nikon D600 setting
Press the BKT button at front body left hand side,
Set the no of shots (3 only) and compensation.
Custom setting menu e6

For my Nikon D800 setting
Press the BKT button on top body left hand side,
Set the no of shots (3-9) and compensation.
Custom setting menu e5

Use photmatrix to develop.

Type of photographer

Type of photographer

Portrait Photography
Architectural Photography
Wedding Photography
Event Photography
Fashion Photography
Macro Photography
Food Photography
Nude Photography
Still Life Photography
Street Photography
Commercial Photography
Aerial Photography
Black and white Photography
Underwater Photography
Time-lapse Photography

Digital photo editing work flow

Digital photo editing work flow

Transfer photo to computer and backup.
Review the photo and rating or reject and sorting.
Lens correction.
Global adjustment (exposure, highlight, shadow, white balance, saturation, contrast) etc.
Local adjustment (Selective area adjustment)
Fine tune (Sharpness, Noise remove spot etc.)
File save or export.

Photo editing software

Photo editing software

Nikon Capture NX
Canon's Digital Photo Professional (DPP)

Color space and color model

Color space and color model

A color model is an abstract mathematical model describing the way colors can be represented as tuples of numbers, typically as three or four values or color components.

A "color space" is a useful conceptual tool for understanding the color capabilities of a particular device or digital file. When trying to reproduce color on another device, color spaces can show whether you will be able to retain shadow/highlight detail, color saturation, and by how much either will be compromised.

Light and color

Light and color

Without light, there would be no color.

The Characteristics of Color:
Hue: Is any color on the color wheel.
Value: (also called brightness or luminosity)
Saturation: (also called Chrome)

Color theory
Tints are created when you add white to any hue on the color wheel.
Shades are created when only black is added to a hue.
Tones are created when you add both black and white to a hue. 

Chrome: how pure a hue is in a relation to grey.
Intensity: the brightness of a hue.
Luminescence: A measure of light reflected from a hue.

Additive & Subtractive Color
The additive model is based on mixing the light,
The subtractive model is based on mixing the pigments.

We work with the additive model (RGB) when preparing contents to be displayed on TV, internet, mobile or any light source.
When working for printing, we work with the subtractive model (CMYK).