Friday 26 February 2016

Light and color

Light and color

Without light, there would be no color.

The Characteristics of Color:
Hue: Is any color on the color wheel.
Value: (also called brightness or luminosity)
Saturation: (also called Chrome)

Color theory
Tints are created when you add white to any hue on the color wheel.
Shades are created when only black is added to a hue.
Tones are created when you add both black and white to a hue. 

Chrome: how pure a hue is in a relation to grey.
Intensity: the brightness of a hue.
Luminescence: A measure of light reflected from a hue.

Additive & Subtractive Color
The additive model is based on mixing the light,
The subtractive model is based on mixing the pigments.

We work with the additive model (RGB) when preparing contents to be displayed on TV, internet, mobile or any light source.
When working for printing, we work with the subtractive model (CMYK).

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